Shuxia (Kevin) Yao
Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation Phone: +86 18111297596
of Ministry of Education, School of Life E-mail:
Science and Technology, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Sep. 2013 – Dec. 2016
PhD student, Biomedical
Columbia University, Sep. 2015 – Sep.
Joint PhD student,
Southwest University, Sep.
2010 – Jun. 2013
of Psychology, Applied Psychology.
Liaocheng University, Sep. 2006 – Jun. 2010
of Management, Public Affairs Management
University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Jul.
2018 – now, Associate
University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Jan.
2017 – Jul. 2018, Postdoctor
Research Interests
l Oxytocin and human social cognition and emotional processing
l Real-time fMRI neurofeedback training
l Social decision
l Fear and anxiety
Zhuang, Q., Zhu, S., Yang, X., Zhou, X., Xu, X., Chen, Z., Lan, C., Zhao, W., Becker, B., Yao, S.*, Kendrick, K. M.* (2020). Oxytocin-induced facilitation of learning in a probabilistic task is associated with reduced feedback- and error-related negativity potentials. Journal of Psychopharmacology, in press. (co-corresponding author) (5-yrs IF = 3.816, 2区)
Chen, Y., Becker, B., Zhang, Y., Cui, H., Du, J., Wernicke, J., Montag, C., Kendrick, K. M.*, & Yao, S.* (2020). Oxytocin increases the pleasantness of affective touch and orbitofrontal cortex activity independent of valence. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 99-110. (共同通讯) (5-yrs IF = 4.319, 2区)
Li, Q., Becker, B., Jiang, X., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Q., Yao, S.*, & Kendrick, K. M.* (2019). Decreased interhemispheric functional connectivity rather than corpus callosum volume as a potential biomarker for autism spectrum disorder. Cortex, 119, 258-266. (共同通讯) (5-yrs IF = 4.585, 1区)
Yao, S., Zhao, W., Geng, Y., Chen, Y., Zhao, Z., Ma, X., Xu, L., Becker, B.*, & Kendrick, K. M.* (2018). Oxytocin facilitates approach behavior to positive social stimuli via decreasing anterior insula activity. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21(10), 918-925. (5-yrs IF = 4.386, 2区)
Yao, S., Becker, B.#, Zhao, W., Zhao, Z., Kou, J., Ma, X., Geng, Y., Ren, P., Kendrick, K. M.* (2018). Oxytocin modulates attention switching between interoceptive signals and external social cues. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43, 294-301. (5-yrs IF = 6.887, 1区)
Yao, S., Qi, S., Kendrick, K. M.*, Mobbs, D.* (2018). Attentional set to safety recruits the medial prefrontal cortex. Scientific Reports, 8, 15395. (5-yrs IF = 4.576, 3区)
Gao, S., Geng, Y., Li, J., Zhou, Y., & Yao, S.* (2018). Encoding praise and criticism during social evaluation alters interactive responses in the mentalizing and affective learning networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 611. (通讯作者) (5-yrs IF = 4.229, 2区)
Zimmermann, K.#, Yao, S.#, Heinz, M., Zhou, F., Dau, W., Banger, M., Weber, B., Hurlemann, R., Becker, B.* (2018). Altered orbitofrontal activity and dorsal striatal connectivity during emotional processing in dependent marijuana users after 28-days of abstinence. Psychopharmacology, 235, 849-859. (共同一作) (5-yrs IF = 3.179, 3区)
Yao, S.#, Becker, B.#, Geng, Y., Zhao, Z., Xu, X., Zhao, W., Ren, P., Kendrick, K. M.* (2016). Voluntary control of anterior insula and its functional connections is feedback-independent and increases pain empathy. NeuroImage, 130, 230-240. (5-yrs IF = 6.682, 1区)
Yao, S., Zhao, W., Cheng, R., Geng, Y., Luo, L., & Kendrick, K. M.* (2014). Oxytocin makes females, but not males, less forgiving following betrayal of trust. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, 1785-1792. (5-yrs IF = 4.386, 2区)
Yao, S., Ding, C., Qi, S., Yang, D.* (2013). Value associations of emotional faces can modify the anger superiority effect: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 849-856. (5-yrs IF = 4.174, 2区)
Yao, S., Ding, C., Qi, S., Yang, D.* (2013). The “anger superiority effect” in the discrimination task is independent of temporal task demands. Neuroscience Letters, 548, 275-279. (5-yrs IF = 2.279, 4区)
Yang, D.#, Yao, S.#, Ding, C.*, Qi, S., & Lei, Y. (2012). Electrophysiological evidences for inhibition of return effect in exogenous orienting. Experimental Brain Research, 221, 279-285. (共同一作) (5-yrs IF = 1.184, 4区)
姚树霞, 杨东*, 齐森青, 雷燕, Cody Ding. (2012). 视觉空间注意研究中的N2pc成分述评. 心理科学进展, 20, 365-375.
Zhou, F.*, Li, J., Zhao, W., Xu, L., Zheng, X., Fu, M., Yao, S., Kendrick, K. M., Wager, T. D., & Becker, B.* (2020). Empathic pain evoked by sensory and emotional-communicative cues share common and process-specific neural representations. eLife, 9, e56929. (5-yrs IF = 8.176, 1区)
Wernicke, J.*, Zhang, Y., Felten, A., Du, J., Yao, S., Kou, J., Chen, Y., Kendrick, K. M., Becker, B., Reuter, M., & Montag, C. (2020). Blood oxytocin levels are not associated with ADHD tendencies and emotionality in healthy adults. Neuroscience letters, 738, 135312. (5-yrs IF = 2.279, 4区)
Haugg, A.*, Sladky, R., Skouras, S., McDonald, A., Craddock, C., Kirschner, M., Herdener, M., Koush, Y., Papoutsi, M., Keynan, J. N., Hendler, T., Cohen Kadosh, K., Zich, C., MacInnes, J., Adcock, R. A., Dickerson, K., Chen, N. K., Young, K., Bodurka, J., Yao, S., … Scharnowski, F. (2020). Can we predict real-time fMRI neurofeedback learning success from pretraining brain activity?. Human brain mapping, 41(14), 3839-3854. (5-yrs IF = 4.938, 2区)
Zhao, Z., Yao, S., Li, K., Sindermann, C., Zhou, F., Zhao, W., Li, J., Lührs, M., Goebel, R., Kendrick, K. M., & Becker, B.* (2019). Real-Time Functional Connectivity-Informed Neurofeedback of Amygdala-Frontal Pathways Reduces Anxiety. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 88(1), 5-15. (5-yrs IF = 14.050, 1区)
Zhao, W., Becker, B., Yao, S., Ma, X., Kou, J., & Kendrick, K. M.* (2019). Oxytocin Enhancement of the Placebo Effect May Be a Novel Therapy for Working Memory Impairments. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 88(2), 125. (5-yrs IF = 14.050, 1区)
Xin, F., Zhou, F., Zhou, X., Ma, X., Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Yao, S., Dong, D., Biswal, B. B., Kendrick, K. M., & Becker, B.* (2018). Oxytocin modulates the intrinsic dynamics between attention-related large-scale networks. Cerebral Cortex. (5-yrs IF = 5.924 , 2区)
Geng, Y., Becker, B.*, Zhao, W., Zhou, F., Ma, X., Yao, S., & Kendrick, K. M.* (2018). Oxytocin facilitates empathic-and self-embarrassment ratings by attenuating amygdala and anterior insula responses. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9, 572. (5-yrs IF = 3.986, 2区)
Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, F., Ma, X., Yao, S., Hurlemann, R., Becker, B.*, & Kendrick, K. M.* (2018). Oxytocin Enhancement of Emotional Empathy: Generalization Across Cultures and Effects on Amygdala Activity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 512. (5-yrs IF = 4.229, 2区)
Ren, P.*, Hu, S., Han, Z., Wang, Q., Yao, S., Gao, Z., Jin, J., Bringas, M. L., Yao, D., Biswal, B.*, & Valdes-Sosa, P. A.* (2019). Movement Symmetry Assessment by Bilateral Motion Data Fusion. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 66(1), 225–236. (5-yrs IF = 4.820, 2区)
Luo, L., Becker, B., Geng, Y., Zhao, Z., Gao, S., Zhao, W., Yao, S., Hu, J., Kendrick, K. M.* (2017). Sex-dependent neural effect of oxytocin during subliminal processing of negative emotion faces. NeuroImage, 162, 127-137. (5-yrs IF = 6.682, 1区)
Xu, X., Yao, S., Lei, X., Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Ma, X., Kou, J., Luo, R., Kendrick, K. M.* (2017). Oxytocin biases men but not women to restore social connections with individuals who socially exclude them. Scientific Reports, 7, 40589. (5-yrs IF = 4.576, 3区)
Zhao, W., Geng, Y., Luo, L., Zhao, Z., Ma, X., Xu, L., Yao, S., Kendrick, K. M.* (2017). Oxytocin Increases the Perceived Value of Both Self- and Other-Owned Items and Alters Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activity in an Endowment Task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 272. (5-yrs IF = 3.565, 2区)
Zhao, W., Yao, S., Qin, L., Geng, Y., Ma, X., Luo, L., Xu, L., Kendrick, K. M.* (2016). Oxytocin blurs the self-other distinction during trait judgments and reduces medial prefrontal cortex responses. Human Brain Mapping, 37, 2512-2527. (5-yrs IF = 4.938, 2区)
Zeng, Q., Qi, S., Li, M., Yao, S., Ding, C.*, Yang, D. (2016). Enhanced conflict-driven cognitive control by emotional arousal, not by valence. Cognition & Emotion, 1-14. (5-yrs IF = 2.841)
Ren, P.*, Yao, S., Li, J., Valdes-Sosa, P. A., & Kendrick, K. M.* (2015). Improved Prediction of Preterm Delivery Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis of Uterine Electromyography Signals. PloS one, 10(7), e0132116. (5-yrs IF = 3.227, 3区)
Xu, L., Ma, X., Zhao, W., Luo, L., Yao, S., & Kendrick, K. M.* (2015). Oxytocin enhances attentional bias for neutral and positive expression faces in individuals with higher autistic traits. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, 352-358. (5-yrs IF = 5.355, 2区)
李志爱, 余明莉, Cody Ding, 姚树霞, 杨东.* (2015). 金钱启动对疼痛共情影响的ERP研究. 心理学探新, 35(2), 140-146.
1. 高述情障碍个体内感加工紊乱的神经机制及其干预研究,自然科学基金青年项目(31700998),2018.01-2020.12,主持,26万元
2. 催产素调节社会性刺激注意加工的神经机制研究,中国博士后科学基金一等面上项目(2017M620419),2017.10-2018.06,主
3. 脑机融合的脑信息认知关键技术研究子课题:特定脑神经环路调控方法,国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFA0701400),2019.08-
4. 杏仁核社会认知功能紊乱的代偿脑机制:基于皮层镜像神经元系统潜在作用的研究,自然科学基金重点项目(31530032),
5. 加强酒精成瘾患者情绪控制的新方法探索:基于功能连接的实时神经反馈技术,自然科学基金重大研究计划(91632117),
6. 抑郁障碍社会认知异常的多模态磁共振研究,自然科学基金面上项目(81771919),2018.01-2021.12,参研(3),50万元
7. 风险决策中外语效应的机制研究,自然科学基金青年项目(31600880),2017.01-2019.12,参研(6),25万元
8. 基于运动特征提取的帕金森疾病的监测和评估,自然科学基金青年项目(81601585),2017.01-2019.12,参研(6),17万元
9. 网络成瘾障碍的遗传和影像机制及以催产素为新型治疗手段的多模态研究,四川省应用基础研究重大前沿项目,2018.01-
2020.12, 参研(5),50万元
Yao, S., Li, Q., Becker, B., Jiang, X., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Q., Kendrick, K. (2018). Interhemispheric resting-state functional connectivity and corpus callosum volume changes in autism. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Singapore, June 2018.
Yao, S., Zhao, W., Cheng, R., Geng, Y., Luo, L., Kendrick, K. (2014). Oxytocin makes females, but not males, less forgiving following betrayal of trust. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA, November 2014.
Yao, S., Benjamin, B., Geng, Y., Zhao, Z., Xu, X., Ren, P., Kendrick, K. (2015). Voluntary control over anterior insula activity impacts pain empathy and resting state functional connectivity: a real-time fMRI study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
l Outstanding Postdoc, Jan, 2018, UESTC
l National Scholarship, Dec, 2016, Ministry of Education
l Excellent Graduation Thesis, May,
2015, Chongqing City
l National Scholarship, Nov, 2014, Ministry of Education
l First-Class Scholarship, 2013 – 2014, UESTC
l Academic Support Grant for Excellent
Doctor, Oct, 2013, UESTC
l Excellent Graduation Thesis, Jun,
2013, Southwest University
l Outstanding graduates, Jun, 2013, Southwest
l National Scholarship, Nov, 2012, Ministry of Education
l First-Class Scholarship, 2012 – 2013, Southwest
l Secondary-Class Scholarship, 2011 – 2012, Southwest
l Outstanding science and technology
achievement (the paper “Studies on the
N2pc component in visual spatial attention”), 2011 – 2012, Southwest University
l Secondary-Class Scholarship, 2010 – 2011, Southwest University
l Outstanding volunteer for supporting the
country primary school, 2008 – 2009, Educational administration of Linqing City
l Outstanding social practice report, Apr, 2008,
School of Educational Science, Liaocheng University