Professor Keith Kendrick has a BA (1976) and PhD (1979) in Psychology from the University of Durham in the UK. He has held research positions in the University of Durham, Institute of Zoology, University of Cambridge and at the Babraham Institute in the UK prior to moving his current post in the School of Life Science and Technology at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC) in Chengdu in 2011. He has published over 240 peer-reviewed papers, including many in Nature, Science and PNAS as well as in leading Psychiatric journals. The total citation for his publications is now over 14,500, with 40 papers citations over 100 and 5 papers over 300 and the H index is 71. He is entitled as “Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholars” and has received numerous competitive research grants from both UK and China-based funding agencies.

His current main research work is establishing how the human brain interprets social and emotional information and how this becomes impaired in psychiatric disorders. He is also investigating new neurotherapies for psychiatric disorders based on administration of the neuropeptide oxytocin, voluntary control of brain activity and connectivity using neurofeedback and computer and video game technology.

Keith Kendrick教授是“爱思维尔中国高被引学者” ,四川省2012年“百人计划”入选者,四川省2013年“金顶奖”获得者,四川省学术和技术带头人。突破性地发现神经肽催产素的亲社会作用,如母子依恋关系,奠定了催产素社会性研究蓬勃发展的基础,在国际上有广泛的学术影响力。

