Qin Li (English Name: Helen Lee)
Neurotherapy & Social
Cognition and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory (neuSCAN Lab)
School of Life Science and Technology /
Center for Information in Medicine
University of Electronic Science & Technology of
China (UESTC)
No. 2006, Xiyuan Ave, West Hi-Tech Zone, Zip 611731,
Chengdu, China
Tel.: +86 28 61830098 / Mobile: +86 13558803480
Email: helenlee@uestc.edu.cn; helenlee_uestc@126.com
09/2005 –
06/2009 Bachelor
in English Education, Northeast Normal University, China
- 06/2012 Masters in English Translation, Sichuan University, China
07/2014-present International Master student in
Affective Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands
07/2014-present PhD student in Bio-Medical
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC),
Publications in peer-reviewed
1. Zhao W, Luo L, Li Q and Kendrick KM. (2013) What can psychiatric disorders tell us about neural processing of the self. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7: 485.(IF=2.9)
2. James BM, Li Q, Luo LZ and Kendrick KM (2015) Aged neuronal nitric oxide knockout mice show preserved olfactory learning in both social recognition and odor-conditioning tasks. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fncel.2015.00105. (IF=4.61)
3. Zhao W, Yao S, Li Q, Geng Y, Ma X, Luo L, Xu L, Kendrick KM (2016) Oxytocin blurs the self-other distinction during trait judgments and reduces medial prefrontal cortex responses. Human Brain Mapping 37(7):2512-27. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23190 (IF=4.962)
4. Sindermann C, Luo R, Zhao Z, Li Q, Li M, Kendrick KM, Panksepp J, Montag C. (2018). High ANGER and low agreeableness predict vengefulness in German and Chinese participants. Personality and Individual Differences 121:184-192
5. Li Q, Becker B, Wernicke J, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Li R, Le J. Kou J, Zhao W, Kendrick K. (under revision) Foot Massage evokes oxytocin release and activation of orbitofrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus.
6. Li Q, Becker B, Jiang X, Zhao Z, Zhang Q, Yao S, Kendrick. (submitted) Decreased homotopic interhemispheric functional connectivity rather than corpus callosum volume as potential biomarker for autism spectrum disorder.